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Frequently Asked Questions

About Leva Clinic

Is Leva Clinic registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC)?
Will my NHS GP be contacted?
What conditions does Leva Clinic currently treat?
How secure is the service?
Is Leva Clinic part of the NHS?
What are the Leva Clinic’s healthcare professionals qualifications?
Who are the healthcare professionals that form the team at Leva?
What are the opening hours?
What does Leva Clinic offer?

How to use Leva Clinic

Am I eligible for Leva Clinic?
Who can use Leva Clinic?
What do I need to have ready for in preparation for my appointment?
How much does Leva Clinic cost?
How do I book an appointment?
How do I get my medication?
What if I need to see a doctor in person?
Can I get an emergency appointment?
Can I use Leva Clinic while travelling or outside the UK?
Can I continue to take illicit/street/home-grown cannabis alongside medical cannabis prescribed by Leva Clinic?

Appointments & Consultations

How do I change or cancel my appointment?
What if my video doesn't work?
Do I need a computer?
What if I am not happy with the service?
Who can I speak to if I have any questions?

Corporate & Careers

I am interested in using your chronic pain clinic to help my patients
I am interested in offering Leva Clinic as a company benefit
I am a healthcare professional interested in working with Leva Clinic

Discover Leva

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© Copyright IASO LTD. 2024. Our website content is for information purposes and should not be used as medical advice. If you need further advice please book an appointment with one of our doctors.
